
Press release: Wheelchair Tennis Masters

Persconferentie Wheelchair Tennis Masters 2
The Top 8 of the world in both men's and women's tennis will descend on Oss in November 2022 for the World Cup. During this prestigious year-end tournament, they will compete for the official world titles, ITF points and prize money.

Singles en doubles

During the World Championships, two tournaments are played; singles and doubles. Here it is possible for players to qualify for both singles and doubles.The event will be played from Sunday, October 30 to Sunday, November 6, 2022 in sports center de Rusheuvel, Oss. Prior to that, the official draw will be held on Saturday, Oct. 29. A total of five hardcourt tennis courts will be laid in the complex on the Rusheuvelstraat, with a real center court including a DJ.There will be a round robin system followed by the knockout phase.

Athletes from across the world

The names of the participating tennis players are not yet known. In the 2021 edition that recently took place in Orlando (USA), there were 42 athletes from all corners of the world. Players from Argentina, England, Japan, Spain, USA, Belgium and Chile, among others, were present there and, of course, TeamNL. The same number of athletes are expected to compete at the World Championships in Oss.

Dave Haggerty, President ITF: "The ITF is delighted that the NEC Wheelchair Singles and Doubles Masters will take place in Oss this year. We would like to thank the city of Oss, tournament organizer Team TOC and the KNLTB for their support. It promises to be a great event and provides a special opportunity for fans to watch and celebrate the world's best wheelchair tennis stars, including the Dutch players who have enjoyed such great success recently, including at last year's Paralympic Games."


Atleet Maikel Scheffers


TeamNL was extremely successful in Orlando with Diede de Groot as the absolute leading lady. In 2021 she won all Grand Slams, a paralympic gold medal and became world champion. In the quads, Sam Schöder and Niels Vink were supreme and played the finals against each other. Finally, the duo Tom Egberink and Maikel Scheffers won Paralympic silver. Maikel from Bosschen, also a member of Team BrabantSport, has been appointed by the organization as tournament director of the 2022 event. Maikel: 'It is of course fantastic that this event is being organized in Oss and we are really going to do everything we can to make it a success.'


Tennis association KNLTB is also delighted. 'Very nice that we can host this in the Netherlands and that we can now also see the ladies in action in the Netherlands. The men have an event during the ABN Amro WTT in Rotterdam but not the ladies. A great and unique opportunity for the public to thus see Diede de Groot and Aniek van Koot in action. 'We will make it a fantastic party with all stakeholders,' said Erik Poel, general director KNLTB.

Host city Oss

Kees van Geffen, alderman for sport of host city Oss, adds: 'Oss wants to be an inclusive city where diversity is a very important issue and where we, together with the Sport Expertise Center, work hard every day to get as many people as possible in Oss moving. We are therefore enormously proud that we managed to bring this event to Oss and of course it makes it extra special that the Osse company Team TOC is closely involved in this. Van Geffen with a wink: 'From Orlando to Oss is just a small step, isn't it?'

Province of North Brabant

The Province of North Brabant is also closely involved in this event. Provincial Executive member Stijn Smeulders of Sport, among others, says: "Sport and exercise are very important to us, with Uniek Sporten also being a spearhead. These top athletes show society that much is possible. They undoubtedly inspire even more people with disabilities to start sports and exercise themselves. We are therefore very pleased that the municipality of Oss has taken up this initiative and that we can embrace this with a number of beautiful partners from Brabant. In this way we make Brabant a nice and enjoyable place for as many people as possible. To live, to work and to visit."


Toernooiorganisator Eric Kersten van Team TOC: ‘Compleet in het licht om te denken in kansen en niet in bedreigingen is het mooi om te zien dat het is gelukt om dit naar Oss te halen. We willen heel graag de samenwerking aangaan met Osse partijen om ervoor te zorgen dat dit evenement een succes wordt. We gaan mogelijkheden creëren voor lokale tennisclubs, bijeenkomsten voor netwerkclubs en clinics. En natuurlijk gaan we ervoor zorgen dat we, naast de topatleten van nu die straks op de baan staan in Oss, één of meerdere tennis legends naar Oss toe gaan halen.’

De NEC Wheelchair Singles Tennis Masters is het belangrijkste singles-evenement van de ITF Wheelchair Tennis Tour en bevat de Top acht mannen, vrouwen en quad-enkelspelspelers ter wereld die strijden om het ITF wereldkampioenschap voor rolstoelenkelspel.

Tijdens dit evenement vinden ook de Wheelchair Doubles Masters plaats. Dit is het meest prestigieuze dubbelspelevenement op de ITF Wheelchair Tennis Tour en bevat de eindejaar top acht mannencombinaties, top zes vrouwencombinaties en top vier quad-paren die spelen voor het ITF wereldkampioenschap rolstoeldubbelspel.

Team TOC organiseert en produceert nationale en internationale sportevenementen. Door de kennis en krachten van het team te bundelen met een uitgebreid netwerk, is Team TOC al meer dan 20 jaar een betrouwbare speler binnen de sportwereld. Team TOC is de uitdagende en onderscheidende organisator van mondiale sportevenementen waar atleten successen behalen, fans overwinningen vieren en organisatiepartners trots op zijn.

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