We develop


PRD11755 1

Event concept

We are often asked to create successful events. As always, we are on our marks and ready to go. But before we can really start, we first need to develop an event concept.

From A to Z

Developing an event concept is not easy. It takes careful preparation in advance, with a focus on the client's objectives. In doing so, we try to clarify what is most important to those responsible for the event. This is decisive in our approach and the further development of the concept. We don’t jump from A to Z, we go step by step through the whole alphabet.

DJI 0388 1
Y4 A3342
Y4 A2898


Developing an event concept always raises important issues. What is it you are looking to project? What does it all require? What external parties are needed to bring the idea to life?

We are regularly involved in a supporting role in the development of event concepts. Our role can best be described as that of a consultant. In other cases, we take on the full role and are primarily responsible for the development of the entire concept. Both ways allow us to use our expertise to achieve the maximum result.

Example - CEP EC Petanque

Around the CEP EC Petanque 2022, we were able to put our service pillars into practice combined, responsible for both development and implementation. The Dutch Jeu de Boules Association (NJBB) approached Team TOC to help develop the celebrations for the association’s 50th anniversary. This led to the acquisition of the official CEP EC Petanque.

The tournament came to the Netherlands! We started with the entire event development, with the main objective being to project Petanque as a top sport, while creating social impact through this event and this sport. And, so it was. In 's-Hertogenbosch, this resulted in a very successful, top sporting event at the Parade, in which the full event concept, developed by Team TOC, was implemented. In addition, with More2Win and BrabantSport, we developed a social programme tackling loneliness in society, through local tournaments.
